Important Points of Venus Astrology Sign

Some points on Venus Astrology Sign :-

💜 Venus is Natural Benefice Planet & it has Good Karaka for Human.

💜 But it is dangerous planet to Jupiter’s Sagittarius & Pisces Ascendants.

💜 Because Venus & Jupiter are enemy to each other. Additionally, Venus is 6th house Lord for Sagittarius Ascendant and Venus is 8th house Lord for Pisces Ascendant.

💜 So Venus Maha Dasha is unfavorable to the People who born in Jupiter’s Sagittarius & Pisces Ascendants.

💜 For Sagittarius Ascendant, If Venus Placed in 1st, 5th,10th, 11th house, it will give better result in Venus Maha Dasha.

💜 For Pisces Ascendant, If Venus Placed in 1st, 7th, 10th, 11th house, it will give better result in Venus Maha Dasha.

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Dr. Soma Chatterjee

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