Understanding Alpayu Yoga in Astrology – Short Life

Understanding and Best Need of Alpayu Yoga in Astrology

(By Sage Parasara)

Life is a precious gift, and we all wish to live a long and fulfilling one. However, according to Vedic astrology, there are certain planetary positions that indicate a short life or Alpayu. Sage Parasara, the author of Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, has mentioned several such positions in his texts. In this article, we will explore 11 planetary combinations that can indicate a short life.


If the Lagna Lord is posited in a movable sign and the 8th lord in a dual sign.

The first combination that indicates a short life is when the Lagna Lord is in a movable sign and the 8th lord is in a dual sign. This indicates a lack of stability and a tendency towards change, leading to a shorter life span.


If the Lord of Lagna and 8th Lord are posited in a fixed sign.

On the other hand, if the Lord of Lagna and 8th Lord are both posited in a fixed sign, it can also indicate a short life. This combination indicates a rigid and inflexible nature that can lead to health issues and a shorter life span.


If Saturn and Mars are in Lagna, Jupiter is in the 6th house, and Moon is in the 8th house.

The third combination that can indicate a short life is when Saturn and Mars are in Lagna, Jupiter is in the 6th house, and Moon is in the 8th house. This indicates a challenging and difficult life path, which can lead to a shorter life span.


If the Lagna Lord is in the 8th house and aspected by malefic planet.

When the Lagna Lord is in the 8th house and aspected by a malefic planet, it can also indicate a short life. This combination indicates a vulnerability to accidents and other life-threatening situations.


If the Lagna Lord has weak and malefic planets in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses.

Another combination that can indicate a short life is when the Lagna Lord has weak and malefic planets in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses. This combination indicates a weak immune system and a susceptibility to health issues.


If the 8th Lord is in Kendra and aspected by a malefic planet.

When the 8th Lord is in Kendra and aspected by a malefic planet, it can also indicate a short life. This combination indicates a vulnerability to accidents and other life-threatening situations.


If the Lagna Lord is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, not aspected by a benefic planet, and conjoined or aspected by a malefic planet.

If the Lagna Lord is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, not aspected by a benefic planet, and conjoined or aspected by a malefic planet, it can also indicate a short life. This combination indicates a weak immune system and a susceptibility to health issues.


If the Lagna Lord is conjoined by a malefic planet, and malefic planets are posited in Kendra, not aspected by a benefic planet.

When the Lagna Lord is conjoined by a malefic planet, and malefic planets are posited in Kendra, not aspected by a benefic planet, it can also indicate a short life. This combination indicates a vulnerability to accidents and other life-threatening situations.


If malefic planets are posited in the 2nd and 12th houses, not aspected by a benefic planet.

Another factor to consider in the analysis of Alpayu is the placement of malefic planets in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses. If malefic planets are placed in these houses and are not aspected by a benefic planet, this could also indicate a shorter life span.


Additionally, if the Lagna Lord is debilitated or placed in an enemy’s sign and the 8th Lord is also debilitated or placed in an enemy’s sign, this could be an indication of Alpayu. This is especially true if both planets are placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses.


It’s important to note that these 11 points do not provide a definitive answer for determining Alpayu. There are other factors that can cancel out these indications, and a complete analysis of a person’s birth chart is necessary to accurately determine their life span.


Conclusion of Discussion with Alpayu Yoga in Astrology :

In conclusion, the concept of Alpayu in Vedic astrology is a complex one that requires a thorough analysis of a person’s birth chart. The 11 factors mentioned above can provide indications of a shorter life span, but they should be considered in conjunction with other factors before making any definitive conclusions. It’s important to consult with a qualified Vedic astrologer for a complete analysis of one’s birth chart.


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