SATURN IN ASTROLOGY (THE EXAMINER): Why Saturn Dasha is HARD for some and easy for others: Suppose a teacher is teaching you during the school time and you are not […]
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SATURN IN ASTROLOGY (THE EXAMINER): Why Saturn Dasha is HARD for some and easy for others: Suppose a teacher is teaching you during the school time and you are not […]
Moon Mahadosha Prediction Moon MD is of 10 years. Out of 10 years, 1 year will be bad for the native. Moon is your emotion, your happiness, your mother, your […]
Mars Saturn Opposition – Mars:- Hot, anger, ready to do any action, Fight , logical etc. Saturn:- Cold , calm, patience, slow, balancing , coward etc. Both are bitter enemies […]
What could happen for Sun and Venus Combination by Dr. Soma Chatterjee Many of the people have these combinations together. There are positive and negative sides of every combination. I […]
Yoga in Astrology or Astrology Relation with Yoga ? The term yoga means’ to join ‘or ‘union’. In astrology yoga means specific planetary disposition which is capable of yielding specific […]
Today our topic is ‘Special Impact of Rahu and Ketu’ In exceptional cases when Rahu is well placed in a mooltrikona sign of a planet without causing any conjunction or […]
Numerology Prediction 2023 No 1 – This is a really good year for you. But you have to overcome your laziness and you must follow’ do it now’ policy to […]
Know Planetary Combinations for a Happy Married Life the best Guide Marriage is an institution for continuance of mankind. A happy marriage creates opportunities for material and spiritual growth. The […]
What is astrology ? According to Astrologer Soma Chatterjee What is Astrology? the divine science of astrology is wonderful asset to the mankind. It doesn’t follows the future, reduces tension […]